Posted November 10, 2021
Hello 6th grade families~
Please see below for for information regarding a 6th grade field trip this Friday February 12th to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. During registration you did sign a blanket excursion waiver, however if do not want your child to attend this field trip please call the front office to alert us they will be staying home all day Friday and to excuse their absence.
Please call the front office @ 720-423-9600 or email Mr. Clark with any further questions,
On Friday November 12th, Bear Valley will be taking all 6th grade students to the Denver Museum of Nature and Science as part of Urban Advantage!
Urban Advantage is a program sponsored by the Denver Zoo, Denver Museum of Nature and Science, Denver Botanical Gardens, and DPS, and was created to provide DPS students with an opportunity to experience Science in novel ways outside of the typical classroom setting. There is no associated cost for students or the school.
In addition to the free trip to the Museum, Urban Advantage also provides all students within the program with free tickets to be used at the Museum of Nature and Science, Denver Zoo, or Denver Botanical Garden. They can be used by your scholar and family at your convenience.
Students will be leaving BVIS at 9:20am on 11/12/21 and will remain at the Museum until 2:00pm. Transportation will be by school bus and a sack lunch will be provided to all students who request it. Students are expected to follow all expectations for a normal Bear Valley school day. They will be representing our school and should be expected to maintain a high level of scholarly behavior and thinking throughout the day.