Attendance Policy

Rationale: At Bear Valley we value community and learning. With these values, student attendance is incredibly important and we expect students to maintain an overall attendance percentage of 92% or higher. We are here to partner with students and families to ensure students are at school, in turn, maximize their overall success at school. The attendance team at BVIS includes the school counselor, 1 other mental health provider, grade level team leads and the SPED team lead. Families should not hesitate to reach out to the attendance team at 720-423-9600 if they need support at any time.

Attendance Expectations: 

Save the Date: No School For Students! 

You can help maximize your student’s attendance by scheduling appointments on the following days whenever possible.

What Counts as an Excused Absence? What does not? 
Excused AbsencesUnexcused Absences
Absences are excused only when there is family to school communication and fall into the following categories: Illness or injury – you may be asked for a doctor’s note Religious holiday or observance Death in the family Legal Obligations 
Please call 720-423-9600 or email if your student will be absent for one of these reasons.  
**Excused absence still count against a student’s overall attendance percentage**
An unexcused absence occurs when a student is absent and the school is unaware.  When your student is absent you will receive an automatic phone call Students with three or more unexcused absences or truancies will be subject to disciplinary action which could include lack of eligibility to participate in school performances or suspension. Truancy can be filed with 4 unexcused absences in one calendar month Truancy is defined by the state of Colorado as – A student under the age of 17 who has been absent from school without permission for 4 or more days in a given month or 10 or more cumulative days.
What interventions are put in place for attendance related concerns? Tier 1: LC mentor will contact the family and partner with them (3 attempts)Tier 2: Perez, Alley or McCool will take over communication; student will be added to the student conversations or RTI processTier 3: Family will be invited for an attendance conference with the attendance tem and 1 grade level teacher
What counts as a tardy?A student is tardy if they are not in your classroom by the time the bell rings. Teachers should mark these students as “tardy” in IC when taking attendance.  Teachers should also include the timestamp the student entered in the comments.
Do tardies count against a student’s overall attendance percentage?Yes. Tardies, both to school in the morning and class to class tardies, count against a student’s overall attendance percentage. 
What if a student’s parent excuses the absence?Excused absences still count against a student’s overall attendance percentage per DPS policy. If a student is not in class, their attendance percentage will drop.