Welcome 7th & 8th graders!

Posted August 15, 2024

We are so #YETIexcited for our 7th & 8th graders to join us for their 1st day Friday 8/16.

  • 7th and 8th grade both enter through the back of the building so please either drop them off on S. Bates Avenue or W. Columbia Pl to allow a safe path to their doors.
    • Click HERE to review our campus maps!
  • Be sure your child arrive no later than 8:40 to allow time to check-in and get their name tag!
    • This name tag will say who their Learning Community Mentor is to help identify which line is theirs!
  • Please be sure they have their school supplies packed up in their backpack or a bag that will be easy for them to carry into the building.