Posted April 12, 2021
CMAS testing for all In-Person scholars will be this Tuesday 4/13, Wednesday 4/14 and Thursday 4/15. Our daily start and end times will be the same as normal. Please ensure they are at the building no later than 8:20am and picked up by 1:30pm as there will no no tutoring for in-person learners the remainder of the week.
Please note all VIRTUAL scholars will participate in independent asynchronous learning days on Tuesday 4/13, Wednesday 4/14 and Thursday 4/15 as their teachers will be proctoring the in-person scholars. They will still log into their block 1 class each morning to ensure they are set up to have a successful day. They will have virtual tutoring available each day at 1:15-2:00pm using their classroom Google Meet.
If you called ahead to opt your VIRTUAL scholar into testing, they will come to the building on Monday 4/19, Tuesday 4/20 and Wednesday 4/21. If you did not call to opt your child in, they will not be taking CMAS this year.