Author: sarahmasten

Bear Valley 2nd ELA PAC Meeting

¡Por favor, únase a nosotros para nuestra 2 ª reunión de ELA PAC! ¡(Comité Asesor de Padres de la adquisición del Idioma Inglés ) Una oportunidad para apoyar a los estudiantes bilingües en BVIS! Please join us for our 2ndContinue Reading

Spring Sports Try-outs!

See below for the girls soccer and co-ed baseball try out details! ALL students MUST have a updated sports physical and a completed Prep-Sport Registration form before they can try out Call Mama Yeti if you have any questions atContinue Reading

8th grade Continuation photos!

A reminder that 8th grade Lifetouch Continuation photos are this Tuesday 3/19 from 9am-11am ALL students take a FREE photo as it creates a keepsake item to go along with their certificate they receive at the Continuation ceremony. Students areContinue Reading

Snow Day 3/14 & 3/15

All DPS schools and administrative offices will be closed Friday, March 15, 2024 due to severe weather. This includes the Emily Griffith Technical College. All school-related events and activities, including all Discovery Link and ELCS Enrichment programs, are also canceled. In addition, weContinue Reading

YMCA & Harvey Park

Please look over the below spring registration opportutnies at our local SW YMCA and Harvey Park Recreational Center! Also if you haven’t already please also sign up for the MySPARK benefits which provides you $1,000 to cover various extra curricularContinue Reading

8th grade updates!

Hello 8th Grade Families Please take a few moments to read through the below 3 updates: Lifetouch 8th grade Continuation Photos Save the date for Tuesday March 19th for our Continuation Lifetouch photos. ALL students will take a photo toContinue Reading

March Newsletter!

Please take a moment to read through our March newsletter. As always, please call the main office at 720-423-9600 if you have any questions or email us at

Quarter 3 Celebration 3/1

Friday 3/1, during the school day, starting at 1:15pm we will start our Quarter 3 Celebration.   As a reminder students had 3 requirements to meet in order to participate in this celebration:  1-  No PASS class for major behavior issues 2 – PassingContinue Reading

Choir Concert!

Families of our Bear Valley singers, Our Spring Choir concert is just around the corner! Our third show of the year will take place on Thursday, March 7 at 5:30pm. If your student is currently enrolled in Choir we areContinue Reading

This week’s updates…

Hello Yetis, Please read below for some very important updates for this week! Interim Testing Tuesday 2/27 we will be hosting our Social Studies Interim #2 Wednesday 2/28 we will be hosting our Science Interim #2 These will be normalContinue Reading

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