Category: News

Mid Week Update!

Hello Yetis, please take a minute to read through the below updates! As always, call us at 720-423-9600 if you have any questions. Lockdown drills Soon DPS Safety and Security will be conducting our required Semester 1 lockdown drill. OnContinue Reading

Missing Fall Registration Forms!

Hello, all DPS Athletes playing Girl Softball or Boys Soccer must fill out the below Early Fall Prep League Registration form. While Bear Valley does have their own consent forms this one does ensure we have all the information weContinue Reading

Gifted & Talented – 6th grade

Date: September 8, 2023 Dear 6th Grade Parents/Guardians: This letter is to inform you that your child will soon be given an assessment to help us determine the best educational programming for them.  A description of the assessment is includedContinue Reading

IB FEST – Friday 9/8

Looking for something to do with the family tomorrow to kick off your weekend? We hope to see many Yetis tomorrow night at Sabin Elementary (3050 S Vrain St, Denver, CO 80236) for their IB Festival from 5-7pm, check outContinue Reading

September Newsletter

Please take a moment to read through this months newsletter. We hope you all enjoy this 3-day Labor Day weekend!

Fire Drill today!

Hello Bear Valley Community,Thank you for choosing Denver Public Schools to provide educational Services to your child. We are proud to be able to serve you and your children and we will continually strive to provide a safe learning environmentContinue Reading

Family Handbook Consent Forms!

To ensure all families are clear on our school-wide systems and expectations, it is required that you review the family handbook (see below links to review), presentation and complete the google consent form. This consent form is required and should be completed no later than Monday, August 28th. Continue Reading

Soccer Try-outs!

All Boys interested in trying out for Soccer please be prepared to stay after school next Monday 8/28 until 5:30pm! Please remember your child MUST have a valid sports physical before they are able to try out. You can makeContinue Reading

Softball tryouts

All Girls interested in trying out for Softball please be prepared to stay after school next Monday 8/28 until 5:30pm! Please remember your child MUST have a valid sports physical before they are able to try out. You can makeContinue Reading

Important updates for this week!

Hello Bear Valley Families, We wanted to remind you of a few things this week: We are missing school supplies! If you haven’t already please be sure your child is bringing the required items from the school supply list. ItContinue Reading

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