December Newsletter!

Posted December 4, 2024

Click below to read our 1 page December newsletter!

But before you read the December news, PLEASE take some time to help us with 2 ACTION items from previous newsletters to support fundraising and the recruitment for the 25-26 school year.

Testimonial Request!

As we celebrate the #yetitastic community we’ve built at BV, we are asking to hear from YOU about what makes it special for your child and your family! Your voice can help us highlight the unique aspects that makes BV a great place for learning, growth, and friendship. Whether it’s about our dedicated teachers, engaging curriculum, or the supportive environment, your stories can inspire others and strengthen our community and increase our enrollment!

If you’re willing to share your thoughts, please click HERE to fill out an internal form that we will publish on our website (your name will be anonymous) as well as use for our marketing materials during DPS Choice recruitment!

King Soopers Fundraiser!

Did you know that King Soopers has a Community Reward program that gives gives back a % of shoppers spending directly back to the organization that you CHOOSE! We are asking you to take 5 minutes to link BV to your SooperCard! How it works (it is SO EASY and COST YOU NOTHING!)

  • Sign in to your personal account
  • Once you get to the KS Community Rewards page, click on Enroll Now! Enter the Bear Valley account number, PR112!
    Next time you are in King Soopers, swipe your SooperCard or alternate ID (phone number) and Bear Valley will receive a percentage of all your spending!
    This is an easy way to support our students. Everyone needs groceries, so why not let of a percentage of hat bill benefit our Yeti family?
    Click HERE if you need additional guidance on linking your card!