Incident at JFK + Fentanyl Awareness

Posted December 1, 2022

December 1, 2022

Dear BVIS families,

It is our priority to keep you informed about incidents that your student might have heard about at our neighboring high school. 

This morning there were medical incidents at JFK High School that involved five of their students. DPS Department of Safety, Denver police and Paramedics came to support their students. We’re being told that the incidents appear to be related to some sort of overdose of an illegal drug,  suspected to be Fentanyl. Denver Police are investigating.

As a community, we wanted to take this opportunity to ensure we are teaching our middle schoolers the severity of this incident and impacts of experimenting with drugs. In order for our school to carry out its duty of providing all students with a safe environment in which to learn, grow and thrive, our BVIS Mental Health Team will be providing ALL scholars with education tomorrow morning during their Social Emotional block – which is held from 7:30-8am. 

Please review the attached document that will be shared with students tomorrow. Below those images, you will find resources for families to continue to educate on the tragic effects of this drug.  

In closing, we would like to assure you that the safety and well-being of our students are our number one priority at BVIS. If you have any concerns or would like some additional resources, please don’t hesitate to contact us at or call us at 720-423-9600.


Bear Valley School Leadership and Mental Health & Wellness Team