BVIS engages scholars in world-class international learning that is comprehensive, personalized and dynamic. Our scholars are knowledgeable, inquisitive, compassionate, self-and- community advocates who are prepared for success in the 21st-century global society.
Hello Bear Valley Families, see below for a few updates to prepare for a #yetitastic week! 1st – Free dress tomorrow is for all scholars with 92% or higher attendance so far this year. Scholars were told last Friday if…Continue Reading
My Spark Program Available to Middle-school Students!! We would like to take this opportunity to provide you with information on a new student enrichment program available to Denver Public Schools middle school students whose families qualify for free and reduced-price…Continue Reading
DPS Pre League/Middle School Athletics has officially opened the registration form for Late Fall Sports which is Girls Volleyball & Co-Ed Flag Football Girls Volleyball & Co-Ed Flag Football The below 23-24 Fall Prep League Registration form is a LEGALLY…Continue Reading