Quarter 4 – Finishing STRONG!

Posted March 13, 2023

Please read through the following updates to help us ensure we are maximizing our final quarter of learning for the 22-23 school year!

All students received this update on Thursday via this #yetitastic video from Ms. Dimi.

  • In compliance with the BVIS personal tech policy, starting Tuesday, March 14th, any cell phones and headphones confiscated during class must be released to a guardian in our front office.
    • Scholars will no longer be able to collect their personal tech at the end of the day if they have it taken throughout the day.
  • For dress code violations, guardians will be contacted and required to provide their scholar the appropriate clothing.
    • Please help us ensure they are in proper dress code before they leave the building.
  • For the safety of our school community, any scholar out of class without permission or scholars who delay their return to class will be required to complete reflective work in PASS Class.
    • PASS class is a classroom managed by our Restorative Culture Team as an alternative to In-School Suspension.
    • Students will stay in this classroom to reflect on why they are leaving without permission.

Please discuss these policies with your scholars as they will be strongly enforced for the remainder of the school year.