Welcome Nights!

Posted August 9, 2023

Bear Valley Families, 

This year, Bear Valley staff will be hosting a welcome night to launch the 2023-2024 school year. This is required for families to attend with their student to present school-wide expectations and build a cohesive family-school partnership to set your child up for success. We are confident these events will serve as an opportunity to come together as a community to kick off this YETITASTIC school year!

Please plan on arriving by 4:45pm to allow time to collect your schedule.

  • Monday August 14th at 5:00pm: 6th grade Welcome Night
  • Tuesday August 15th at 5:00pm: 7th & 8th grade Welcome Night
    • If you have scholars in multiple grade levels, please pick 1 night of your choice to attend*
      • **Teachers will only be present on their grade level nights, so if you are a 7th grader and choose to come to the 6th grade night your teachers will not be around for you to meet.

At this required family event, we will:

  • Review the family handbook in the auditorium which includes Bear Valley expectations and school policies
  • Introduce staff, teachers and teams
  • Provide scholars their schedules and allow them time to walk around the building to meet their teachers and see their classrooms

If your family is unable to attend, it is required that you go on the bear valley website, https://bearvalley.dpsk12.org, to review the family handbook presentation and complete the google form consent form. Your student’s LC mentor will be in contact with you if we do not receive your consent form before the first day of school! 

If you have any additional questions or concerns, or would like to request a meeting with one of our teams, please call the front office at 720-423-9600 to be connected with the correct team.

We are looking forward to launching the school year with you and  your student! 

Bear Valley Administration