Author: sarahmasten

Thanksgiving Lunch

Our #yetitastic Food Service Team will be hosting our annual Thanksgiving Lunch on Wednesday November 8th. All Bear Valley students will receive their meal for free, no tickets necessary. However, if families would like to join their student we areContinue Reading

Fall Band Concert – Wed 10/25

Welcome to the Fall Band Concert. We are so happy that you are here!  If you post pictures or video on Instagram please tag @bearvalleyint, our Bear Valley social media page! Please CLICK HERE to give a shout out toContinue Reading


On Tuesday 10/31 Bear Valley students are allowed to be in costume (see the list of exceptions below) or free dress but still need to respect the unacceptable dress code guidelines. Any student found to be out of dress code compliance willContinue Reading


Hello BVIS Families,I am so sorry I wasn’t at the Fall Family Conferences to chat with you about your amazing Multi-Language Learners but I hope to see many of you at our 1st ELA PAC meeting next Wednesday October 25thContinue Reading

Post Conference Follow-Up

Bear Valley prides themselves on being a school FOR the community, BY the community. This means we are always seeking our families feedback to ensure we are meeting the needs of all our students, staff and family members. If youContinue Reading

Mid-Week Updates!

Yetis, please read below as we have 3 important updates for you today. Co-Ed Flag Football 2nd day of try-outs have been moved to Friday 10/20. Please email Coach Alec at with any further questions! Reminder tonight is ourContinue Reading

Fall Conferences TOMORROW!

Reminder that Fall Family Conferences are TOMORROW Wednesday October 18th.  Please read through the details below and if you have ANY questions please call us 720-423-9600. As a reminder we are hosting as an OPEN HOUSE. Families can arrive anytimeContinue Reading

DPS Fall Break

As a reminder there is NO SCHOOL Thursday 10/12, Friday 10/13 or Monday 10/16. We look forward to seeing our students return to learning on Tuesday 10/17 ready to start our quarter 2 STRONG!!

Change to Fall Conference

Hello Bear Valley Families The purpose of this communication is to alert you to a shift in the format of our Family Conferences this coming Wednesday October 18th.  Please read through the details below and if you have ANY questions regardingContinue Reading

Volleyball & Flag Football

Please read below if your child is interested in trying out for either GIRLS Volleyball or Co-ED (both boys and girls) Flag Football.  These updates are coming to us with short notice so we appreciate your patience and time takingContinue Reading

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