Author: sarahmasten

SW Community Meal!

Bear Valley International is thrilled to help host a Community Meal on Tuesday May 14th! Weather permitting we will be set up near our blue picnic tables on the west side of the building. We hope you can join usContinue Reading

Quarter 4 Celebration (6th/7th)

Starting on Wednesday May 1st, all our 6th and 7th graders started earning a ticket into our Quarter 4 celebration on Friday May 24th at the end of the school day! Requirements: Passing grades! NO Ds or Fs No majorContinue Reading

Future Commanders Night

You’re invited to the 2024 Future Commander Welcoming Event!  Please join us at the 2024 Future Commander Welcoming Event happening at John F. Kennedy High School (2855 S. Lamar Street) on Thursday, May 16 from 5:30-7 p.m. While at this event,Continue Reading

May Newsletter

Please take a moment to read through the last newsletter of the 23-24 school year! As always please call 720-423-9600 or email if you have any further questions.

Welcome New Yeti Fam!

Warmest welcome to our new students and their families to Bear Valley International Middle School, proud home of the Yetis! We are so #yetiready to have you join our community! We are thrilled that you have selected our school to support andContinue Reading

Lion King Jr a musical!

Our Yeti To Shine Theatre department has been working YETI hard on our upcoming spring music performance, The Lion King Jr. In addition thanks to Mr. Footes philanthropy we have been able to afford professional costumes as well as enhacedContinue Reading

Saturday School Reminders!

As a reminder we offer Saturday school from 8am-11am to: Allow students time to catch up on missing assignments Give back to our community with various organization/clerical projects in the building Students who attend for the full 3 hours receiveContinue Reading

8th Grade Family Reminder

Phone & Airpods/Headphone Expectations 8th Grade Families,  As we approach the end of the school year, our goal as an 8th grade team is to ensure your student is as prepared as possible for high school and beyond. This includesContinue Reading

Baseball game update

The game we were previously schedule to play at Grant Beacon (3000 S Clayton St, Denver, CO 80210) MS last week has been moved to Thursday 5/9 In addition there was some additional conflicts identified that caused many middle schools to shiftContinue Reading

Soccer Game Change

Hello Soccer Families~ DPS Prep Sports found a scheduling conflict and needed to change several middle schools games around. The game we were previously schedule to play at Slavens (3000 S Clayton St, Denver, CO 80210) MS on Monday 5/6 hasContinue Reading

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