Category: News

DPS Fall Break

As a reminder there is NO SCHOOL Thursday 10/12, Friday 10/13 or Monday 10/16. We look forward to seeing our students return to learning on Tuesday 10/17 ready to start our quarter 2 STRONG!!

Change to Fall Conference

Hello Bear Valley Families The purpose of this communication is to alert you to a shift in the format of our Family Conferences this coming Wednesday October 18th.  Please read through the details below and if you have ANY questions regardingContinue Reading

Volleyball & Flag Football

Please read below if your child is interested in trying out for either GIRLS Volleyball or Co-ED (both boys and girls) Flag Football.  These updates are coming to us with short notice so we appreciate your patience and time takingContinue Reading

FREE DRESS Friday 10/6!

To celebrate all the hard work our students put into the Interim testing this week we are having FREE DRESS for everyone on Friday 10/6. Students are allowed to be in free dress but still need to respect the unacceptable dressContinue Reading

Nationwide Emergency Alert Test

As you might already know tomorrow our government will be conducting the Nationwide Emergency Alert Test.  This means all phones, TV’s and radios will be tested to ensure they receive emergency warnings.   As they are putting their phones inContinue Reading

Social Emotional Series (Gifted & Talented)

Social Emotional Series 2023-24 facilitated by the DPS Gifted and Talented Department is available for GT and advanced students and families 5th-12th Grade.  Please view the attached flyer for details and use this link to RSVP to any of these free courses! Continue Reading

October Newsletter!

Please click below to read our 2 page October Newsletter. Please call 720-423-9600 if you have any questions or suggestions for topics for future newsletters!

Missing YouBenefit! Form

If you haven’t already please complete the You Benefit! form for the 2023-24 school year. By completing the form, you will help us access all available funds to cover the cost of meals, and other nutritional programs for students. Families who fillContinue Reading

Food Pantry

Pick up on Mondays from 3-3:50pm. Also by appt by texting 720-316-9935 Students can also bring home pre-packed bags of food from the yellow lid boxes located at all our exit doors!

No School Friday 9/22

As a reminder, there is no school for all DPS students on Friday 9/22 as it is a DPS professional planning day. We hope all our students have a very restful long weekend and come back Monday #yetiready to finishContinue Reading

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