Posted February 18, 2025
Congrats to all our students who made the 24-25 basketball team! Please read through this post to ensure you have all the information you need to have a #YETITASTIC season.
Click below and read through these documents if you were unable to make the family meetings.
**Week of 2/18 we will only practice on Thursday 2/20 from 4:00-5:15pm.
See below for our game schedule. This is subject to change so we will send weekly updates to outline any game changes as well as practice shifts necessary to line up with games.
Monday 2/17 NO SCHOOL | Tuesday 2/18 Rest | Wednesday 2/19 Rest | Thursday 2/20 PRACTICE | Friday 2/21 Rest |
Monday 2/24 PRACTICE | Tuesday 2/25 Home vs. Grant Ranch (BOYS ONLY) | Wednesday 2/26 Yeti Den practice 4-5:15 | Thursday 2/27 Home vs. Grant Beacon | Friday 2/28 NO SCHOOL for BVIS only |
Monday 3/3 PRACTICE | Tuesday 3/4 Home vs. Denver West | Wednesday 3/5 Rest | Thursday 3/6 Away @ Kunsmiller | Friday 3/7 Rest |
Monday 3/10 Away @ Place Bridge Academy | Tuesday 3/11 Rest | Wednesday 3/12 Rest | Thursday 3/13 PRACTICE | Friday 3/14 Home vs. Dora Moore/Bryant Webster |
Monday 3/17 PRACTICE | Tuesday 3/18 Rest | Wednesday 3/19 Rest | Thursday 3/20 PRACTICE | Friday 3/21 Away @ Lake MS |
Monday 3/31 PRACTICE | Tuesday 4/1 REst | Wednesday 4/2 Away @ Kepner Beacon (Owens BGC) | Thursday 4/3 PRACTICE | Friday 4/4 Home vs. Hamilton MS (GIRLS ONLY) |
Monday 4/7 PRACTICE | Tuesday 4/8 Rest | Wednesday 4/9 Rest | Thursday 4/10 PRACTICE | Friday 4/11 Championship Tournament Day 1 |