BVIS engages scholars in world-class international learning that is comprehensive, personalized and dynamic. Our scholars are knowledgeable, inquisitive, compassionate, self-and- community advocates who are prepared for success in the 21st-century global society.
We have updated our Return to School page to reflect a video as well as an informative slide deck to review all the policies and procedures required to start safely welcoming scholars back into the building.
Posted: Oct 09, 2020 A quick reminder that the DPS fall break will begin next week. Scholars will not have school on Friday October 16th, Monday October 19th or Tuesday October 20th. Every scholars will return to learning on Wednesday October 21st. …Continue Reading
Posted: Oct 05, 2020 Can you believe it’s already October and we are on Week 7?! Stay up to date with our weekly announcements.