Author: sarahmasten

Continuation Link

Here is the correct link for 8th 8th Grade Continuation Virtual Ceremony! We apologize for the confusion


Hello Families~ Please read the below carefully and call the front office if you have any question 720-423-9600. ALL DPS Students can keep their CB over the summer to continue to engage in learning. Your child should be encouraged toContinue Reading

Continuation clarification

Hello Please read below and call the front office at 720-423-9600 if you have any lingering questions. If your child is a VIRTUAL learner, please read below Tuesday and Wednesday there are virtual celebrations planned along with prizes for someContinue Reading

Info for 21-22 school year…

Hello Families of our current and future scholars~ Please take a moment to review the below important information to prepare for a SOLID start to the 2021-2022 school year. 1st 21-22 CALENDAR + BELL SCHEDULE BV school calendar is slightlyContinue Reading

Leave No One Behind Mural Project

Hello Yetis This post is to share that, later this month, we will be installing a temporary piece of artwork that focuses on the rights of immigrants. The mural is part of the “Leave No One Behind Mural Project”. ThisContinue Reading

Health Fair @ Johnson Elementary!

Check out this opportunity at Johnson Elementary on Friday 5/28 from 12-3pm. Don’t forget to register using the below QR reader or clicking on this link SERVICES AVAILABLE❖ COVID-19 VACCINES AVAILABLE ON SITE (JOHNSON & JOHNSON)➢ REGISTRATION IS REQUIREDContinue Reading

Vaccinations for 12 and UP!

SPREAD THE WORD: 12-15 year olds can receive the COVID shot **this weekend** through DPS and Denver Public Health-hosted vaccine clinics! Call the Denver Health Hotline (303-436-7000) or our School Based Health Centers (303-602-8958) to sign up.More information:

Reminders about Continuation…

Hello 8th grade Families~ Please read below for some quick reminders about all things Continuation! The deadline for photos and videos is this Friday the 14th.  Please email BOTH a baby and a current photo to! The last day ofContinue Reading

End of Year calendar updates…

We have made it to May!  Please review below closely for some important calendar updates.   1st is a reminder that this Friday May 7th is an asynchronous day which means all scholars will be learning independently at home using the Schoology platform as there willContinue Reading

7th grade in-person openings

Hello 7th grade families~ Is child is currently a VIRTUAL learner and you are interested in having them finish the end of the school year as an IN-PERSON learner? If so please call the front office (720-423-9600) on Monday AMContinue Reading

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