Author: sarahmasten

Giving Thanks 🦃

We wish all our scholars and their families a very special and restful Thanksgiving week. As a reminder there will be no school starting Monday 11/23 through Friday 11/27. On Monday 11/30 we look forward to seeing our scholars returnContinue Reading

PAC this Thursday at 5:30!

We hope to see many of our families this Thursday @ 5:30pm for our November Pricipal Advisory Committee meeting. Join Zoom Meeting using the below link! Meeting ID: 878 9479 9246 Passcode: 4ZX0iy Agenda topics will include: School Celebrations!Continue Reading

Virtual Trivia Night!

We hope all our families can join us on Wednesday 11/18 at 6:30pm for oura SONG TRIVIA event! Please ensure you are logged into your account to access the below Google Meet. Once you are logged into that GoogleContinue Reading

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