Category: News

remote learning…

Due to the snow day our second vaccinations have been rescheduled by Children’s Hospital to Wednesday.   In order to accommodate for this change we will now be running asynchronous days Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. On Friday, our in-person learnersContinue Reading

Snow day Monday 3/15

❄️WEATHER UPDATE❄️ All DPS schools and administrative offices are closed 3/15 due to severe weather. This means scholars are NOT responsible for the originally planned asynchronous work on Monday. In-person scholars will still stay home on Tuesday for our originallyContinue Reading

Remote learning & snow day?

As previously communicated this upcoming Monday 3/15 and Tuesday 3/16 will be asynchronous days at home for all scholars to support appointments for vaccination booster for our staff.  This means that in-person learners will stay home and all learning willContinue Reading

asynchronous learning days

To allow our staff the time to receive their 2nd booster vaccination we will have asynchronous learning day on both Monday March 15th as well as Tuesday March 16th. What does this mean? All in-person scholars will stay at homeContinue Reading

CMAS 2021

As the district announced last week, all DPS schools, including Bear Valley, will be taking CMAS assessments this year. The state requires that we give this test in order to measure students progress each year. At Bear Valley, 6th &Continue Reading

Thu N. Awarded Honorable Mention for the Scholastic National Writing Contest

A huge #YETIroar to our scholar, Thu N, as she receives an Honorable Mention Award for her short story A letter for Lizzie. This accomplishment is recognized by the 2021 Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, presented by the Alliance forContinue Reading

Judi’s House

We are very excited that presenters from Judi’s House will be joining our students next week to talk about grief. All students will receive Judi’s House’s grief workshop during their SEL class. Students will not be asked to share anyContinue Reading

Remote Learning

Due to the recent wintery weather and poor travel conditions, DPS has decided on a 100% remote learning day for Thursday 2/25 which means students will NOT report to the school building. Scholars day will now start at 10:30am withContinue Reading

COVID-19 Vaccination Resources

If you’re interested in registering yourself and your family for the COVID-19 vaccine, take a look at the flier from Denver Health down below. Why get vaccinated? Vaccine is a tool we use to fight COVID-19. You protect others andContinue Reading


As a reminder, Monday 2/22 will be a asynchronous learning day at home for all scholars to allow our staff the opportunity to receive their 1st Covid- 19 vaccination! Please click below to access each grade levels slide deck toContinue Reading

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